

East Mississippi Community College incoming freshmen Brooke Johnson, at left, and Randy Miller, at right, enroll at Lion Central on the Golden Triangle campus. Both are from West Point, as is Tia Edwards, at center, a friend of Johnson’s who wanted more information about EMCC, where fall registration is under way.

July 31, 2018

Officials with East Mississippi Community College are urging students who have not yet registered for the fall semester that begins Aug. 13 to do so now.

“They need to come in today,” EMCC Recruiter Tawana Bauer said. “The sooner they can register, the easier it will be for them.”

Registration is under way for East Mississippi Community College’s fall term that begins Aug. 13.

All students need to make sure they have submitted an application online at and sent in any required supplemental items prior to registering for classes.

Those who don’t have access to a computer can fill out the online applications at EMCC’s Scooba or Golden Triangle campuses. Visit the admissions office at either the Scooba or Golden Triangle offices for assistance.

Registration continues through Aug. 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students are strongly encouraged to register by Aug. 10 but late registration will be available from Aug. 13-17. Those taking online classes have until Aug. 21 to register.

“Classes are starting to fill up and we would love to be able to help our students now,” EMC Golden Triangle Dean of Students Melanie Sanders said.

In order to register for classes, those attending must have completed all the steps in the college’s admissions process:

  • EMCC Application for Admission (available online at;
  • ACT for all students under the age of 21 or Accuplacer scores, which will be used for placement in English and mathematics courses;
  • High school/college transcripts.

An admissions checklist can be found at

JourneyEAST orientation sessions are mandatory for transfer students and incoming first-time, full-time freshmen. Walk-in registration for new, fulltime students who need to attend a JourneyEAST orientation session will take place at the following dates and times:


Aug. 9-10 at 10 a.m., noon, and 2 p.m.

Aug. 13-17 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (late registration)


Aug. 9-10, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at staggered intervals

Aug. 13-14, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at staggered intervals (late registration)

Aug. 15-17 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (late registration)

There are two remaining JourneyEAST orientation session on the Scooba campus, both of which will take place Aug. 3. Register online for one of the two remaining sessions at

Students attending a walk-in orientation should first go to the Admissions Office located in the Hawkins building on the Scooba campus or the Student Services Building at the Golden Triangle campus to confirm status before meeting with a counselor and registering for classes.

Returning students and part time freshmen do not need to attend an orientation session.

Although student residence halls on the Scooba campus are full, there is a short waiting list and students who enroll now stand a chance of getting into a dorm this semester, EMCC Scooba Dean of Students Tony Montgomery said.

“We usually have some spots in the dorms open up and the sooner they enroll the better,” Montgomery said.

Montgomery said students must have a class schedule, fill out a housing application and pay a dorm deposit to get on the waiting list.

“We encourage students to go ahead and sign up now,” Montgomery said. “Even if they don’t get into a dorm this semester, if they sign up now we will have rooms available for them in October. They can take nine hours of online courses this semester and six hours during the second intensive and have the same 15 hours in December as those people who were on campus in August.

If testing is needed, call the Scooba counseling center at (662) 476-5048 for the ACT or (662) 476-5350 for the Accuplacer. For testing at the Golden Triangle campus, call (662) 243-1900.

For information about admissions at (662) 243-1920.